Graphics / Digital Drawings
Mickey & Joe
150 years (give or take) after the "unification" of Italy, a forgotten player finds herself trapped in limbo with her sworn enemy.
Dirty Mickey, hailing from the dark Southern underbelly of an otherwise glorious country, was a soldier in the resistance. Joe was the golden boy of the Risorgimento (literally, resurrection), forever remembered as a political hero. What will happen when Mickey, an outlaw who was silenced, murdered and erased for his benefit, comes after his legacy today? This contemporary spaghetti western challenges our collective memory, or collective amnesia.
Written by Michaela Di Cesare and directed by Daniele Bartolini, this two-hander is the ultimate Italian standoff.
Presented at the Mirella and Lino Saputo Theatre (Centre Leonardo Da Vinci)
With the generous support of the FCCI and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Duel graphics
Inspired by spaghetti western movie posters, this series of graphics represents a duel between Mickey (Michelina Di Cesare) and Joe (Giuseppe Garibaldi). He is in his iconic red. Michelina is a green shadow in the distance, representing the fact that she is a relatively unknown figure in Italian history. Garibaldi dominates the accepted historical narrative and, therefore, he towers over her in the image. The background references the heat and sun of Southern Italy, as well as the colours of the cactus pear, an important symbol in the play.
Green and red reference the Italian flag, which I wanted to achieve in a non-cliché way.
cactus pear
Throughout the play, the cactus pear serves as an important symbol for Southern Italy. Michaela Di Cesare wanted this symbol to be highlighted through the artwork and promotion of the project. We decided to go with a bleeding cactus pear, like a heart being squeezed by a hand, which in turn is being pierced by the fruit. Whose blood is it?
The background colours from the duel graphic are brought to the foreground in this image, concentrated within the cactus pear.